besogo.js establishes name space, core functions autoInit and create compose the editor and GUI objects
editor.js core editor logic managing game tree, handling input from GUI panels, and notifying GUI panels of state changes
gameRoot.js data structure that internally represents the game tree
boardDisplay.js essential board display GUI panel
controlPanel.js GUI panel for navigation control buttons
namesPanel.js GUI panel for player names, ranks, and captures
commentPanel.js GUI panel for comments and game info
toolPanel.js GUI panel for tool selector buttons
treePanel.js GUI panel for game tree visualization
filePanel.js GUI panel for save, load, and new board buttons
coord.js utility functions for coordinate system labels
svgUtil.js utility functions for SVG composition
parseSgf.js parses and extracts data structure from SGF text
loadSgf.js loads SGF data structure into game tree
saveSgf.js composes SGF file from game tree data structure